Teacher Training Activity (TTA)

The model 

Individual preparation
Collegial work
Joint follow-up

The teacher training activity was done in all three organizations with the same material and delivered contents were presented by a teacher trainer, who was a supervisor as well. The activities involved in total 30 teachers and contained 4 different themes. The activity always used the same methodology, with 4 steps explained below. 

Step 1: Individual preparation - Participants read the theoretical part on a digital platform, Sway; Prepared for the TTA by answering some questions and writing down a few more if they had any questions. (Assynchronous sessions)

Step 2: Group discussions - The synchronous sessions started with the reading comprhension of the material, group discussions about definitions and contents in order to prepare collegial work for a teaching activity. An activity that they could test in class, using something they had discussed or learned. 

Step 3: Each partipant implemented the planned activity, alone or with collegues. (Assynchronous sessions)

Step 4:  The group had a joint follow-up meeting and discussed, for instance, what went well in the activity, what should be improved and if there were any questions to further dicuss.

The themes

Theme 1 - Education with support of pictures

The first theme in the teacher training focusing on the use of pictures in education and the learning process. The material contains both information about different learning styles, why pictures should be used and material about what kind of pictures and symbols that should be used. Also some hard facts about what pictures that can be used legally. 

The material and discussion about it, ended up with that more pictures should be used in the teachers daily methodologies and also successful use of new digital resources in teachers education.

 Use this LINK to access the materials used

Theme 2 - Feedback to students by digital devices

The second theme in the teacher training starting with an introduction about assesment and formativ feed-back. It then contains material about how to give formative feed-back, how to do it digitally and some short examples. 

This theme was delivered right before the school year ended in Portugal and it proved itself very useful for that partner. Realising that telling a child and a parent that their behaviour was good and the student had done all their homework was not contributing much to enhance their academic performance nor was it helpful in any way. The individualised feedback, focused on what areas of the learning process the student needed to improve next year of had successfully achieved that year was more than welcome by parents and students alike.

 Use this LINK to access the materials used

Theme 3 - Using the pupils' digital tools in the classroom

The third theme in the teacher training is very concrete, with a lot of different examples of software that can be used in the classroom by pupils. Under the following headlines example are given and a summary of the software: 

- Training digital skills for a digital life

- Pedagogical support

- Repetition and training material

- Digital support to students

- Enabling digital feed-back

Theme 3 and 4 are complimentary to each other and resulted in very different discussions among the teachergroups in the project. Mainly because the digitalization process has been going on very different long time among the partners and very big differences in access to gigital devices. The use of cellphones in the education were also hot stuff in the discussion. 

Use this LINK to access the materials used

Theme 4 - Pupils' study techniques (with help of digital devices and media)

The last theme focused on the discussion if and why students should use their own digital devices in the classroom. Compared to earlier themes this one had pretty short acedemic approach and more focus on the discussion in each group of teacher. 

The discussions ended up very different among the partners and showed cultural differences, which can be strongly affected of the access to digital devices. 

Use this LINK to access the materials used